Local Giving
Please make your donation online.
Amazon Smile
Go to Smile.Amazon and sign in then pop Shadwell community project into the charity sector and that’s it!
Every time you shop we get a donation of 0.5%.
Cheque Donations
Please make cheques payable to Shadwell Community Project.
Gift Aid Your Donation
For every £1 you donate to the Shadwell Community Project, we can reclaim the tax to increase your donation through the Gift Aid scheme. There’s no extra cost to you – all you have to do is make a Gift Aid Declaration.
This simply means that you confirm that you are a UK tax payer and that you are happy for us to reclaim the tax. All donations qualify – large or small, regular or one-off, and whatever the method of payment.
To make a Gift Aid Declaration, just print out and complete the Gift Aid Declaration form and return it to us at:
The Shadwell Community Project
10 Glamis Road